/ 02 Nov 2016
Yasmin Fues

“When I was in the market for a new website I was referred to Stephane & OGD. From our initial meeting I was impressed with Stephane’s attentiveness, ability to understand what my limited technical mind was trying to express. Stephane asked questions, clearly listened to the answers so that he could provide solutions and options for my needs. Never once did I feel that I was being “SOLD” on a product or service or something I did not need. Stephane took the time to get to know me, my business and my goals. Stephane offered a unified branded solution from the initial logo offering straight through to marketing and collateral pieces. The response I have had to my website design and content has been overwhelming and has brought in new & unsolicited business. Stephane’s patience & professionalism through our journey was exceptional and I have come to consider him a reliable partner and friend.”

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